
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP)

SCIRP is a questionable publisher that uses conferences (mostly in China) to supply articles. For example, the website (4/27/17) for the Fifth International Conference on Catalysis explains that "This Conference will cover issues on Catalysis." That's good to know. It also states that
It dedicates to creating a stage for exchanging the latest research results and sharing the advanced research methods. ICC 2017 is held by Engineering Information Institute, sponsored by Scientific Research Publishing and The 1000 Think Tank. This Conference will cover issues and advances on Catalysis. Guilin, 'East or west, Guilin landscape is best!'
The Engineering Information Institute is another (or the same?) Chinese conference organizer. Scientific Research Publishing = SCIRP. The 1000 Think Tank is another Chinese organization. If you can read Mandarin, the About Us page should tell you more.
4/21/17 (from Dear Colleagues, ICC 2017 will be held from August 23 to 25, 2017 in Guilin, China. This Conference will cover issues on Catalysis. [Given that this is the 5th International Conference on Catalysis, one would think so.] It will bring together researchers, engineers, technicians and academicians from all over the world, and we cordially invite you to take this opportunity to join us for academic exchange and visit the city of Guilin. ... All the accepted papers will be published by "Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering" (ISSN: 2327-6045), a peer-reviewed open access journal that can ensure the widest dissemination of your published work. ... Thank you very much for your attention and best regards, Organizing Committee

Monday, April 17, 2017

Greetings from Forensic Science!!

As noted earlier, Scientific Federation is an "abode for researchers" with a "devoted team [that] is very much proficient to organize the international conferences." The website (2/8/17) for the World Conference and Exhibition on Forensic Science offers a
Welcome to all Renowned Personalities!!! Scientific Federation look forward to welcoming delegates to attend World Conference and Exhibition on Forensic Science during May 15-17, 2017 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia which will bring together world leaders in their respective fields in the fascinating environment of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
It informs us that
Forensic science is an umbrella term that has various areas under it. Forensic science would serve as an enlightening source for multidisciplinary area that monitors and encompasses law, investigation for network hacking, DNA analysis, Fingerprinting & Analysis, Forensic Sex assessment, digital forensics, digital data recovery and data reconstruction, Forensic Psychology, forensic graphology, cyber crimes, forensic technologies.
According to the Scientific Federation, as of 2/8/17, the organizing committee consists of
Jianye Ge, University of North Texas Health Science Center
Laura Liptai, BioMedical Engineering, University of California
Warrick Brewer, University of Melbourne, Australia
Jian Tie, Nihon University School of Medicine, Japan
Jorg Kreuter, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Germany
Mitchell S. Albert, Lakehead University, Canada
Alberto Chisvert, University of Valencia, Spain, and
Sheila M Willis, Forensic Science Laboratory, Ireland
Other than Laura Liptai, I have not tried to look up these individuals. The biography provided on the website for Dr, Liptai includes material on a different person:
The Honorable Stephanie Domitrovich has served 27 years as a general jurisdiction state trial judge of the Sixth Judicial District of Pennsylvania (Erie County). She works at Gannon University as a fully committed adjunct faculty member in the Legal Studies Program. She received her J.D. from Duqesne University of Law in 1979. She holds a Ph.D. in Judicial Studies from University of Nevada, Reno and the National Judicial College. She is a member of the American Board of Forensic Document Examiners, American Psychology-Law Society and a Fellow and Chair of the Jurisprudence Section of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
Dr. Liptai herself is the head of a private consulting firm, Biomedical Forensics, in San Francisco and Orlando. Her C.V. lists an unspecified affiliation with the University of California at Davis. The campus directory identifies her as a visiting professor there. Her C.V. also lists among her "honors" the following book (of which she was not an author):
“Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, Third Edition”
National Academy of Sciences Reviewer of the Reference Guide on Engineering
The manual is developed by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the Federal Judicial Center (FJC). The National Academy of Sciences is a society of distinguished scholars engaged in scientific and engineering research, dedicated to the furtherance of science and technology and their use for the general welfare. Upon the authority of the charter granted by Congress in 1863, the National Academy of Science has a mandate that requires it to advise the federal government on scientific and technical matters. The Federal Judicial Center, established by Congress in 1967 (28 U.S.C. §§ 620-629), is the research and education agency of the federal judicial system responsible for continuing education and training for federal judges, court employees, and others as well as conducting research on behalf of the federal judiciary. 2010
The organizing committee for the second conference was said to consist of (10/15/17):
Thomas P. Riley, Laporte and associates. Arizone , USA [sic]
Eugenio Dorio, Unised university. Italy
Charles Onochie Ochie,Sr, College of Arets And Huminities Albany State University, Georgia [sic]
Danielle Riveri-Simard, University Laval, Canada
Hamid Ali Al-Asadi, Basra University, Iraq
Dariusz Jacek Jakobczak, Koszalin University of Technology, Poland
Tom Gore, South West Louisiana Crime, Lab . USA
Loc Navyen, International Engineering and Technology Institute, Hong Kong
Mr. Riley is document examiner who co-founded a consulting firm after retiring from the Michigan State Police. The firm's address is a PO Box in Frankemuth, Michigan (not Arizona). Among the three named associates in the firm of Riley Welch LaPorte & Associates is Gerald LaPorte, who, until his retirement in 2018 was the director of an agency of the US Department of Justice (the National Institute of Justice's Office of Investigative and Forensic Sciences) that funds forensic scientific research and development.

The next month (11/30/17), the committee had changed to:
Ke Chung Kim, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, U.S.A.
Thomas P. Riley, Riley, Welch, LaPorte and Associates, Arizona
Hamid Ali Al-asadi, Education College For Pure Science, Basra University. Iraq
Dariusz Jacek Jakobczak, Koszalin University of Technology, Koszalin, Poland
Danielle Riverin-Simard, Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada
Virgilio DAntonio, University of Salerno, Italy.
Ke Chung Kim is an award-winning entomologist who retired from Penn State nine years ago. Sadly, he now is on the BIT Global and Scientific Federation conference circuit. He wrote on Researchgate that "At this stage of my career ... my work should not be classified as research but rather forensic case work in real cases. Last month I presented my paper on forensic entomology at the International Congress of Forensics and Police Tech in Dalian, China."

Among the papers accepted for this second conference is one that apparently p-hacks to find a putative relationship between "motivation [and] the Central Pocket fingerprint pattern on the left hand." The Davao Prison and Penal Farm in the Philippines may use this finding to help improve its rehabilitation program.

World Conference and Exhibition on Forensic Science
  • 1/19/17: Dear Dr.David H. Kaye,
    Greetings from Forensic Science!! We Cordially invite you to be a speaker at our upcoming “World Conference and Exhibition on Forensic Science” (Forensic Science-2017) on May 15-17, 2017 which will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Forensic Science will focus on “Modern Improvements in Forensic Science for Combating Crime". All the accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference book.[Wow!] ... We request you to kindly avail this opportunity to share your scientific excellences and be a part of the esteemed conference as soon as possible. ... Awaiting your swift and favourable response.
    Best regards,
    Forensic Science-2017, Scientific Federation, Phone: +91-779-979-000
  • 4/17/17, 4/24/17: Dear Dr. David H. Kaye,
    Greetings from Forensic Science!! The purpose of this letter is to formally notify you, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, We Cordially invite you to be a speaker at our upcoming “World Conference and Exhibition on Forensic Science” (Forensic Science) on May 15-17, 2017 which will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Forensic Science will focus on “Modern Improvements in Forensic Science for Combating Crime Sector ". For more information about the conference, PS: ... Awaiting for your swift and favourable response.
    Best regards
    Swapna K
    Forensic Science Conference Program Co-Ordinator T: +91-779-979-0002 E:
2nd World Conference and Exhibition on Forensic Science (Forensic Science-2018)
  • From: Forensic Science-2018
    Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2017, 5:51:41 AM EDT, and Nov. 4, 11:43 PM
    Subject: Reg. Forensic Science-2018 Rome, Italy.
    Dear Dr. David H. Kaye,
    Good day!! We have delighted in inviting you to solicit your presence as a speaker at our upcoming 2nd World Conference and Exhibition on Forensic Science (Forensic Science-2018) on June 11-12, 2018 at Rome, Italy. ... All the accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference book. [Wow!] ... We really like to have your presence at this conference please let me know your interest towards the same. We will also cordially invite a large group of researchers to join the conference and share their research related to Forensic-science. We are confident that participants will benefit from the high value scientific program. For any further assistance please contact us, looking forward to hear from you. Look forward to you joining us in Rome, Italy!
    Best regards,
    G Raju
    Forensic Science-2018, Event Secretary, P: +91-7799790001, E:
    If you don’t want to receive any further e-mail from Forensic science -2018 please revert back with a subject Unsubscribe.
  • From: Forensic Science-2018 (
    Sent: Nov 30 at 10:20 AM
    Subject: 2nd World Conference and Exhibition on Forensic Science 2018, Rome, Italy
    Dear Dr. David H. Kaye,
    Good day from Forensic Science 2018!!! It is an honor and privilege to invite you to participate at the upcoming, 2nd World Conference and Exhibition on Forensic Science (Forensic Science-2018) during June 11-12, 2018 in Rome, Italy as Speaker as we believe that your contribution to this field is unparalleled and a talk on this topic will be of great benefit in this meeting.
    Forensic Science-2018 brings together leading scientists, professors, researchers, engineers, experts and directors of companies in the scope of forensic science to exchange information on their current research progress. Forensic Science-2018 has initiated with an outstanding Organizing Committee from well-known universities across the globe, making it a specially designed cluster conference that will be covering almost all aspects and fields of forensic science research. ...
  • From: Forensic Science-2018 []
    Sent: February 19, 2018, 8:16:02 AM EST
    Subject: 2nd World Conference and Exhibition on Forensic Science 2018, Rome, Italy
    Dear Dr. David H Kaye,
    Good day from Forensic Science 2018!!! It is an honor and privilege to invite you to participate ... as Speaker as we believe that your contribution to this field is unparalleled and a talk on this topic will be of great benefit in this meeting. ...
    Forensic Science-2018 has initiated with an outstanding Organizing Committee from well-known universities across the globe, making it a specially designed cluster conference that will be covering almost all aspects and fields of forensic science research.
    For more about the scientific sessions, PS: ...
    Forensic Science 2018 Organizing Committee,
    Ke Chung Kim, Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A.
    Rakesh Garg, Punjabi University, India
    Dariusz Jacek Jakóbczak, Koszalin University of Technology, Koszalin, Poland.
    Zheng John Wang, Criminal Justice and Forensic Studies Director, California
    Virgilio DAntonio, University of Salerno, Italy.
    Looking forward to hear from you ASAP.
    Best regards,
    G RAJU
    Forensic Science-2018, Event Secretary, Phone: +91-779-979-0002, Email:
  • From: Forensic Science-2018 ( Reg. Forensic Science-2018 Rome, Italy
    Sent: Apr 13 at 7:05 A
    Dear Dr. David H. Kaye,
    Good day!! We have delighted in inviting you to solicit your presence as a speaker at our upcoming 2nd World Conference and Exhibition on Forensic Science (Forensic Science-2018) on June 11-12, 2018 at Rome, Italy. ... This year we have adopted the theme Future Innovations in Forensic Science. Forensic Science-2018 will be one of the largest international gatherings of researchers, scientists, professors, and students in the field of Forensic-science. The conference will offer opportunities to exchange scientific ideas and create networks between people from academia, industry and regulatory authorities as well as between young and established scientists and professionals. All the accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference book. ... We really like to have your presence at this conference please let me know your interest towards the same. We will also cordially invite a large group of researchers to join the conference and share their research related to Forensic-science. We are confident that participants will benefit from the high value scientific program. For any further assistance please contact us, looking forward to hear from you. Look forward to you joining us in Rome, Italy!
    Best regards,
    G Raju
    Forensic Science-2018 Event Secretary P: +91-7799790001 E:
    If you don’t want to receive any further e-mail from Forensic science -2018 please revert back with a subject Unsubscribe
3rd World Conference and Exhibition on Forensic Science
  • From: Forensic Science-2019 []
    Date: 7/13/18 6:28 AM, 7/25/2018 6:47 AM, 7/25/18 7:29 AM
    Subject: Reg: Forensic Science-2019 Berlin, Germany
    On behalf of the Organizing Committee, all of us have the pleasure to cordially invite you as an “Invited speaker” at our upcoming meeting “ 3rd World Conference and Exhibition on Forensic Science ”, will be held during June 3-4, 2019 inBerlin, Germany. This meeting is a part of series of conferences organized by Scientific Federation, is expert-driven and is initiated to organize and facilitate proficient and international scientific conferences worldwide with associating the world class researchers.
    This Meeting will be a great occasion for discussions of previous, present, and future research on “ Forensic Science”. It will provide an exciting scientific program, which will cover all aspects from the basics to their applications. It will be a great forum for students, postdoctoral fellows and established scientists from different countries to exchange ideas, and to broaden their knowledge. It will be an excellent occasion to meet researchers from around the world, widen professional contact and create new opportunities, including establishing new collaborations. ...
    Your participation is important for the success of this meeting and will be very much appreciated.
    Looking forward to hear positive acknowledgement from you. Please feel free to write to us.
    Conference Secretary, Forensic Science-2019 congress
    T: +91-779-979-0002 E:
    If you don’t want to receive any further e-mail from Forensic Science-2019, please revert back with a subject Unsubscribe.
    This message was sent to by 1-8-506/2/B, PRAKASH NAGAR, HYDERABAD, TELANGANA 500016, India
  • From: FORENSIC SCIENCE-2019 []
    Date: Oct 8 at 7:55 AM (and 7:31 AM)
    Subject: Reg: Forensic scieFORENSIC SCIENCE-2019 nce-2019 Berlin, Germany.
    Good day!! Scientific Federation is expert-driven and initiated to facilitate proficient international scientific conferences/meetings/events across the globe while associating with the world class scientific investigators. It’s our pleasure to know about your interest in attending the International Congress on 3 nd World Conference and Exhibition on Forensic Science (Forensic Science-2019)during June 03-04, 2019 in Berlin, Germany.
    We feel delighted with your achievements in ‘ Forensic Science ’ as this colloquium will foster interactive sessions amongst field experts, keynotes sessions through eminent speech-makers, poster presentations by young researchers, workshop by renowned orators, and symposia. ... I am looking forward to your interest in participating as Speaker.
    Thanks and Best regards,
    Raju G
    Forensic science-2019
    Event Secretary
    Phone: +91-7799790001
    If you don’t want to receive any further e-mail from Forensic Science-2019, please revert back with a subject “ Unsubscribe”. This message was sent ... by 1-8-506/2/B, PRAKASH NAGAR, HYDERABAD, TELANGANA 500016, India
4th World Conference
  • From: Forensic-Science-2020 []
    Date: Tues 3 Sept 2019 7:30 AM
    Subject: Honor to Invite You as a Speaker at Forensic Science-2020, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
    Dear Dr David H Kaye,
    Greetings from Forensic Science-2020..!! The purpose of this letter is to formally invite you to be honorable Speaker for esteemed conference “4th World Conference and Exhibition on Forensic Science” June 15-16, 2020 in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation. The conference will be organized around the theme “Exploring the Challenges and Innovations in Forensic Science”.
    Meet 200+ Speakers at Forensic Science-2020. For more information about the conference please click here ... .
    Highlights Forensic Science-2020:
    -Peter Valentin, University of New Haven, USA
    -Laura L. Lipati, University of California Davis, USA
    -Frank L. Dorman, Penn State University, USA
    -Jay C Barton-Costa, Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians, UK
    -Norazida Mohamed, University Technology Mara, Malaysia
    -Judge Stephanie Domitrovich, Carlow University, Erie
    Avail your interest by sending your abstract online
    We are very confident that we will definitely offer you a remarkable experience in discovering new opportunities. I hope you can join us for this event. We look forward to meeting everyone in person during the conference.
    Thanks & Regards
    Conference secretary
    Forensic Science-2020 Phone: 040-68176307
    If you don’t want to receive any further e-mail from Forensic Science-2020, please revert back with a subject Unsubscribe.
  • From: Agriculture-2021 []
    Sent: Tue, Mar 2 at 12:21 PM
    Subject: Participate in the Forensic Science-2021 Meeting as a Speaker at Osaka, Japan
    Hope you are doing well.
    We are in the manner of preparing Speakers for the “4th World Conference and Exhibition on Forensic Science” held during November 04-06, 2021 at Osaka, Japan.
    For more details, kindly visit our website.
    Considering your profile, primarily based to your extraordinary researches in the arena of Forensic Science, we would like to take the privilege to invite if you could join as a Speaker in Forensic Science-2021.
    To submit your abstract, click here.
    Kindly let me know your interest of joining.
    For any other details and queries, feel free to revert.
    Allen E Turner | Conference Manager
    Forensic Science-2021 | Scientific Federation
    If you don’t want to receive any further e-mail from Forensic Science-2021, please revert back with a subject Unsubscribe.