
Saturday, December 24, 2016

BIT's Annual Symposium of Drug Delivery Systems (SDDS)

BIT's "high importance" email of 3/8/16 to "Dr.David B. Kay" reported that "It is nice to announce that The 6th Annual Symposium of Drug Delivery Systems (SDDS-2016) will be held ... in Nanjing, China. It is a dedicated event for global medical scientists. [W]e cordially welcome you to deliver a speech in Symposium 5: Smart Nanomedicine. ... If you have any precious suggestions ... , please reply this email and send your speech title to us at your earliest convenient." Notwithstanding the fact that I have no training in medicine and drug discovery, my "participation will accelerate and promote the cognition of Drug Delivery sciences in the World!" As if that were not enough, there will be "Industrial Promotion, Appoint People by Abilities, Culture Agglomeration."

A followup email of 7/20/16 from Ms. Grace Chen, Program Coordinator in Dalian, explained that she was "pleased to extend the invitation to you again. We are cordially welcome you to deliver a speech in Symposium 5: Smart Nanomedicine. Your participation will accelerate and promote the cognition of Drug Delivery sciences in the World!" The "confirmed companies and academia organizations" include Harvard, Michigan, UCLA, USC, USD, Cornell, Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio State, and Washington. Certainly, the faculty at these institutions selected to deliver speeches can do more to promote cognition than I.

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