
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Conference Series: Seasonal Greetings and Improvised Researches from OMICS

Conference Series Ltd (also Conference Series LLC and seems to be OMICS' way of advertising conferences without mentioning that they are OMICS events. [UPDATE 5/31/18: Newer emails use the domains and The domains are registered by proxy.]

OMICS International gives this "unparagoned" description "bobbing in the modern age" of "technological perk up":

OMICS Scientific Meetings 2016-2017 will enhance the cornucopia of knowledge of all the participants in different fields and will be a mélange of eminent speakers, industry professionals, social activist, students etc. Discussing on various imperative topics will add an insight to ponder and confer over crux of today’s scientific and technological perk up. Our conferences are scientific rostrums to unveil the novel developments and to cogitate, and conflate ideas and realities through practical experiences.
The Conference Series LLC of Scientific Meetings 2016-2017 are unparagoned and an unmissable opportunity to engross the information and communication technologies bobbing in the modern age. Conference Series LLC Engineering Conventions 2016-2017 facilitates better understanding about the technological developments and scientific advancements across the world by simultaneously equating with the velocity of science, technology and business domains.
An article in the New York Times reported that
In October, a New Zealand college professor submitted a paper to the OMICS-sponsored “International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics,” which was held last month at the Hilton Atlanta Airport. It was written using the autocomplete feature on his iPhone, which produced an abstract that begins as follows: “Atomic Physics and I shall not have the same problem with a separate section for a very long long way. Nuclear weapons will not have to come out the same day after a long time of the year he added the two sides will have the two leaders to take the same way to bring up to their long ways of the same as they will have been a good place for a good time at home the united front and she is a great place for a good time.” The paper was accepted within three hours.
An OMICS employee who identified himself as Sam Dsouza said conference papers are reviewed by its “experts” within 24 hours of submission. He couldn’t provide a list of its reviewers or their credentials.
Kevin Carey, Fake Academe, Looking Much Like the Real Thing, N.Y. Times, Dec. 30, 2016, See also

When it sued OMICS and Conference Series for deceptive practices, the Federal Trade Commission noted in a press release of 26 August 2016 that
In addition to misrepresentations related to their journal publishing services, the FTC’s complaint alleges that the defendants regularly deceive consumers while promoting academic conferences they organize. The defendants allegedly include the names of prominent researchers as participants and presenters at the conferences, which charge registration fees that can cost more than $1,000, when in fact many of those researchers often did not agree to participate in the events. The FTC’s complaint charges the defendants, OMICS Group Inc., iMedPub LLC, Conference Series LLC, and Srinubabu Gedela, with multiple violations of the FTC Act’s prohibition on deceptive acts or practices.
Websites for these OMICS-Conferencce Series conferences list "related societies," but the relationship is obscure. The societies do not sponsor and are not involved with the conferences.
Forensic Research 20xx
  • From: Forensic Research 2017
    Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 11:29 AM
    Subject: Forensic Research 2017 in Houston, Space City
    Meet World’s leading Forensic Researchers & Professionals from 50 Countries & 5 Continents
    Dear Dr.DavidH.Kaye,
    On behalf of our Organizing Committee, I would like to invite you as a Speaker to attend the "6th International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology" (Forensic Research 2017) to be held in Houston, USA on September 18-20, 2017, which is a globally renowned annual conference. The conference theme for 2017 is “Setting Archetypes in the Global Forensics Realm”, which covers a wide range of critically important sessions from basic research to recent innovations in Forensic Science.
    • Accredited and certified by The CPD Standard Office, UK
    • Attendees will be certified with 27 CPD credits (27 hrs.) and also with the certification by the international organizing committee Members (IOCM) of the conference
    • Abstracts will receive a DOI provided by Cross Ref
    • Active Communications and Networking with Experts
    • Live Streaming of your presentation through our websites and YouTube (up on your interest)
    • Best Poster & Young Researcher Award Nominations
    • International Workshops and Symposia on latest trends
    • Certification by the International Organizing Committee
    • Post your Department/University requirement in the conference website and souvenir
    ... We are confident that you will get an unforgettable experience at our Conference. ... If you are unable to attend the Congress, I encourage you to appoint someone as your proxy to attend the Conference on your behalf.
    Charlene Campbell
    Program Manager
  • 4/1/17: Same old email seeking me or my proxy.
Forensic Science 20xx
  • From: Forensic Science []t
    Sent: Wednesday, December 8, 2021 7:36 AM
    To: Kaye, David
    Subject: Invitation_Forensic Science Conference
    Dear Dr. David H. Kaye
    Hope this mail finds you well.
    Conference Series, Llc Ltd in association with its Organizing committee and Editorial Board Members are delighted to announce our World Congress on Forensic Science and Evidence Technology which is scheduled to be held in France, Paris during September 22-23, 2021. The conference is focusing on the theme “Next Level Challenges and Innovation of Forensic Technique”.
    We found your field of expertise is very much relevant to this conference. Based on your expertise and experience in this field, we would like to invite you as an Honourable Speaker for Forensic Science 2021. The conference encompasses a broad spectrum of information and recent innovations related to Forensic Science and Evidence Technology. We believe your presence will be an excellent addition to the conference and a great source of learning as well. Other participants and coming delegates would love to hear and learn from your encouraging research work.
    Privileges as Speaker:
    • Internationally renowned certification. [← I think they mean "Worthless certificate of attendance."]
    • Provide a platform to organize symposia or workshops.
    • Unique scientific interactive sessions will be provided if you are coming with your research crew.
    • Symposia on new research topics will be encouraged.
    • Promotion for your own innovation and research will be feasible.
    • Your new research findings and scientific books can be released.
    For more information on conference sessions, do have a glance at:
    We expect your opinion towards this invitation and looking forward to your positive response.
    Rangan Ghosh
    Conference Manager | World Congress on Forensic Science and Evidence Technology
    Reach Us @Linkedin | Facebook | Twitter
    Disclaimer: This information is confidential and is for the use of the intended recipient only. Any improper use of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please reply to the sender immediately and delete this communication.
Forensic pathology
  • Date: 7/27/16
    From: Forensicpathology,
    Subject: Invitation for Forensic Pathology conference, 2016
    Dear Dr. /Prof. David H. Kaye,
    Greetings for the day Apologies for disturbing you, I request your valuable time in reading this message. With immense pleasure we would like to welcome you as the speaker at ” International Conference on Forensic Pathology and Investigation” which is going to be held during November 17-18, 2016 at Atlanta, USA. This conference is to bring together the best of brains for some roundtable discussions on the direction and flow of new and advanced technology. It will definitely turn out to be the world’s best platform for all the doctors, medical practitioners, students and clinical research organizations to encourage and explore the best referred case reports to infer and strategize novel methodologies in treatments and therapy. Forensic Pathology 2016 becoming a platform for Global Researchers on Forensic Pathology, Forensic Sciences, Forensic Medicine, Forensic psychology, advanced techniques in related disciplines. Forensic Pathology & Forensic Medicine with a “Theme Advent Intelligence and Investigation” to facilitate sharing the knowledge in enhancement of forensic department’s globally. ... We look forward for your positive response and feel free to contact us for further assistance.
    Best Regards,
    Rachel Elizabeth
    Program Manager
    Forensic Pathology 2016
Forensic Science and Psychology
  • From: Forensic Congress (
    Date: 8/30/17, 9:25:14 AM EDT
    Subject: Gentle Reminder : Psychology 2017: Call for Speaker
    Dear Dr David H. Kaye
    Seasonal Greetings from Forensic Congress 2017!
    We cordially invite you to have your gracious presence at 2nd international conference on Forensic Science and Psychology which is going to be held on October 12th and 13th, 2017 at London, UK. It is with great joy this warm welcome on behalf of our company’s management and staff.
    This is a platform where we invite people as a speaker or delegate to exchange their ideas and authoritative views by leading scientists and business leaders and investors in the exciting field. Different people across the globe will be expected to share their knowledge by giving outstanding keynote speeches, poster presentations, B2B meetings, workshops etc.
    The theme: New insights and latest research in the field of Forensic Science and Psychology provides an idea regarding the behaviour of the people who are suffering from different diseases such as psychological syndromes. Hence this get together is to know about the improvised researches in the field of Forensic Science that is happening at present. We welcome you once again and hope you have a memorable work stint at our conference. ...
    With Thanks,
    Kellie Tylor
    Program Manager | Forensic Congress 2017
    Conference Series LLC, Europe: Heathrow Stockley Park Lakeside House, 1 Furze ground Way, Heathrow, UK, T: 702 508 5200 Ext: 8057, E:
  • From: forensiccongress []
    Date:Dec 12 at 8:15 AM
    Subject: Psychology 2018: Call for Speaker
    Dear Dr,
    Warm Greetings! International Conference: Forensic Psychology 2018
    We are pleased to invite you to the “3rd International Conference on Forensic Science and Psychology” which is scheduled from June 25th to 27th, 2018 at Stockholm, Sweden. This conference is the effort of the Conference Series LLC. The organising committee will inaugurate the conference and the speakers who are participating at this great event. The conference deliberations mainly focus on: Criminology Studies, Forensic Psychology, Forensic Medicine. The conference will examine research and development both locally and internationally.
    It is an honour to invite you to participate in this conference as a speaker for the workshop. We believe that your contribution to this field is unparalleled and a workshop on this particular topic will be of great benefit.
    We look forward to a positive confirmation, an honour for us indeed. Kindly respond us at the earliest.
    Yours faithfully, With Regards,
    Aaliya Watson
    Program Manager | Forensic Psychology 2018
    Conference Series LLC
Atomic and Nuclear Physics
  • Date: 10/20/16
    From: Atomic Physics 2016 <]
    Subject: Follow up Invitation to be a Honorable Guest at Atomic Physics 2016
    Dear Dr.DavidH.Kaye ,
    Greetings! Thank you for your time and consideration. As a program manager I am taking the immense pleasure to invite you to deliver a talk at the “International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics” which is going to be held during November 17-18, 2016 at Atlanta, USA. Atomic Physics 2016 provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Nuclear and Atomic Physics. Our committee believe this might interest you and we wish to have your eminence presence at this prestigious meet, so as an initial step; we kindly request you to go through the scientific tracks, choose a track of your interest and submit your abstract ... . Considering your prominence our committee would like to provide you certain privileges on your registration and accommodation prices. • Speaker Registration $ 399 • Delegate Registration $ 199 ...
    Kindest Regards,
    Niha Walture,
    Atomic Physics 2016, Tel: +1-702-508-5197 Extn-8066|
Microbial and Biochemical Technologies
  • From: Microbial2017 []
    Date: Thursday, December 8, 2016 6:46 AM
    Subject: Tell us about your research: Microbial 2017
    Dear Dr. Kaye, David,
    It gives me great pleasure to invite you to the “World Summit on Microbial and Biochemical Technologies” Conference, which will be held on September 18-20, 2017 at Houston, USA. The Conference deliberations will be on the theme: “Shaping the future with innovative technologies” It is an honor and privilege to invite you to participate in this Conference as an Organizing Committee member. We believe that your contribution to this field is unparalleled and your voice would be a valuable addition to the conference stage. ... We look forward to a positive confirmation, an honor for us indeed.
    With Regards,
    Program Director
    Microbial -2017, Direct: (702) 508-5200 Ext: 8038, Customer Service: +1 (800) 216 6499, E-mail:
Cancer Science and Therapy
  • From: Cancer Science and Therapy (
    Date: Monday, July 24, 2017 7:17 AM
    Subject: Follow up: Valuable Participation at Cancer Science and Therapy 2017
    Dear Colleague,
    Greetings from Cancer Science and Therapy 2017!! We are pleased to welcome you as an honorable speaker for the grand "25th World Congress on Cancer Science and Therapy" to be held during October 18-20, 2017 at Baltimore, Maryland, USA. The success of the 24th Cancer Science conference series has given us the prospect to bring the gathering one more time ... . Since its commencement in 2011 Cancer Science and Oncology series has witnessed around 2500 researchers of great potentials and outstanding research presentations from around the world. Awareness of Cancer is becoming popular among the general population. Parallel offers of hope add woes to the researchers of Cancer Science due to the potential limitations experienced in the real-time. The conference strives to provide meaningful coverage on scientific perspectives for a better vision and to pioneer innovations in cancer treatment & care. The Conference provides the best venue for knowledge share, information gathering, discussions and networking across the entire audience category and also offers opportunities for scientific sessions, poster presentations, symposia and joint exhibits.
    We sincerely hope that you will honor us by accepting our invitation to join us in October.
    Isaac Bruce
    Congress Manager, Cancer Science and Therapy - 2017, Office: 1-702-508-5200 (Ext: 8062),
Mental Health or Psychiatry
  • From: Mental Health Congress 2018 []
    Date: Aug 2, 2018, 9:28 AM
    Subject: Reintegrating the Psychotherapy on Conceptual and Perceptual Health
    Dear Colleague,
    Greetings!! With a legacy of 30 years of excellence in Publishing and 10 years in Conferences with a support of various societies, we are currently organizing, “30th International Mental and Behavioral Health Conference” (mental health congress 2018) scheduled during November 12-13, 2018 in Melbourne, Australia with a theme of “Reintegrating the Psychotherapy on Conceptual and Perceptual Health”.
    On behalf of the Conference Executive Board, we are glad to request you as a Speaker/Delegate at Mental Health Congress 2018. Looking forward to hear from you at earliest regarding your participation in the event. ... Regards
    Rupa N
    Program Manager
    Mental Health Congress 2018 | Conference Series 1-650-889-4686, 47 Churchfield Road, London, W3 6AY
    Disclaimer: This message is confidential. It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by work product immunity or other legal rules. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. If you have received it by mistake, please let us know by e-mail reply and delete it from your system; you may not copy this message or disclose its contents to anyone. The views, opinions, conclusions and other information expressed in this electronic mail are not given or endorsed by the company unless otherwise indicated by an authorized representative independent of this message.
  • From: Mental Health Congress 2018 []
    Date: Mar 22, 2018, at 5:49 AM
    Subject: Create your aura at Mental Health Congress 2018
    Dear Dr.David H Kaye,
    Greetings from MHC 2018! We are hosting the “30th International conference on Mental and Behavioral Health” (Mental Helath Congress 2018) along with external scientific association with the Academicians, Psychiatrists, Neuropsychologists, Neurologists, Psychobiologists, students, around the globe, scheduled on November 12-13, 2018 at Melbourne, Australia.
    The main theme of the conference is “Reintegrating the Psychotherapy on Conceptual and Perceptual Health”. The Mental Health Congress 2018 conference is designed to facilitate the sharing knowledge and experience of Psychiatry, mental and Behavioral health workforce education worldwide.
    Based on your eminence in the field, with great pleasure we would like to invite you as a speaker for the scientific collaboration with MHC 2018 event. ...
    It would be great for me to welcome you for the conference Mental Health Congress 2018 in Melbourne, Australia to share your expertise. Kindly submit your abstract for your potential speech at the event.
    We appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you.
    Rupa N
    Program Manager
    Mental Health Congress 2018, Conference Series, +1-650-889-4686 Ext: 6094, 47 Churchfield Road, London, W3 6AY
  • From: Euro Psychiatrists 2018
    Date: May 31, 2018, at 4:09 AM
    Subject: Follow-up: New research concepts at Euro Psychiatrists 2018
    Dear Doctor,
    We contacted you by email earlier, since we have not yet received any response from you regarding submission of abstract and your participation as a Plenary Speaker/Delegate/Poster presentation, we are taking the liberty of re-sending this mail as we are aware that you may be engaged in other activities or my E-mail may not have successfully reached you.
    Meet 300+ Participants at: Psychiatry Conferences | Psychology Conferences
    On behalf of Organizing Committee, we take this chance in extending a warm and cordial welcome to you to be part of the 28th Euro Congress on Psychiatrists and Psychologists, held conjointly with multifarious scientific associations, eminent researchers and scholars from all around the globe during July 05-06, 2018 in Vienna, Austria. ←[A peek at the Conference Series website reveals the theme is “Achieving mental wellness by understanding human mind through Psychiatric approaches.” Who could ask for anything more?]
    You can be a part of this event by participating as a speaker by giving oral presentation or you can also give poster presentation in your area of expertise. The conference will also provide delegates with the prospect to consolidate their knowledge and understanding of the latest scientific advancements. Euro Psychiatrists 2018 is known for being a collaborative forum to exchange ideas and network through symposium, panel discussions, poster sessions, and the exhibition. ...
    Looking forward to hearing from you at earliest regarding your participation in the Event.
    Note: Selected speakers will be eligible for 50% abatement on registration.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Adriana Morris
    Program Manager
    Euro Psychiatrists 2018, 47 Churchfield Road, W3 6AY, London, UK, E:, Ph: +44-800-014-8923, +1-213-233-9462, +1-702-508-8057
  • From: Psychiatrist 2016
    Date: Nov 18, 2016
    Subject: Avail CME & CPDs at International Conference
    Dear Dr.David H. Kaye,
    As a program supervisor I am taking the enormous joy to welcome you to be the speaker at our “5th International Conference on Psychiatrist and Geriatric Psychiatry” during December 08-09, 2016 held in San Antonio, USA. Psychiatrist 2016 would lay a platform for the interaction between experts around the world and aims at accelerating scientific discoveries.
    Theme: To promote healthy aging by unwinding treatment approaches for mental ailments
    Why to register? ... • Conference e souvenir • Conference souvenir hardcopy ... For more information kindly reply me back. We are confident that you will get an unforgettable experience exploring new openings at our Conference. Awaiting for your response
    Warm Regards,
    Mr. Michael Joshua
    Program Manager, Psychiatry Conferences, Conference Series Ltd, 2360 Corporate Circle., Suite 400 Henderson, NV 89074-7722, USA, Tel: +1-888-843-8169, Fax: +1-650-618-1417, Email:
    Disclaimer: This is not a spam message, and has been sent to you because of your eminence in the sector. If, however, you do not want to receive any email in future from Psychiatrist-2016 then reply us with the subject “remove /opt-out”. We are concern for your protection.

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