
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Management Science and Management Innovation (MSMI)

Management Science and Management Innovation (MSMI) is an annual conference on topics such as "marketing engineering,"Financial Engineering," "Calculation management methods," "Engineering Education and Training," "Vocational and Technical Education," "Education Reform," and "Commercial teaching and education." These "multiple topics of interest" appear in the sprawling list under the heading of "Call for Paper" on the MSMI2019 website. The logo for the 2019 conference is a globe with bank notes plastered on it. Although the domain name is registered to, the address is Guangdong, and the keynote speakers are from mainland China and Taiwan. The only US member of the very large conference committee is Qiang Cheng, an Associate Professor in Computer Science (Division of Biomedical Informatics) at the University of Kentucky. Listed as a sponsor is Atlantis Press, which publishes conference proceedings galore online.
  • From: MSMI2019 []
    Date: Dec 21, 2018, at 3:30 PM
    Subject: MSMI 2019/May 17-18, Changsha,China
    It provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.
    All accepted paper will be published by Atlantis Press and be submitted by Atlantis Press for CPCI indexing.
    Topics: 1. Management Science 2. Management Innovation 3. Other related topics
    More topics you can see the official website: ... Notes:
    1.Please provide reliable contact information in the email text, including address, telephone, email etc.
    2.All papers should be submitted via Email: (All papers must be written in English)
    3.All submissions must be 4-6 pages in length.If your paper exceeds 6 pages in length, you have to pay for the additional pages
    [no address or signature line]

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