
Friday, March 1, 2019

Lexis wants "a worldwide and everlasting bond"

The About Us page of the conference division of Lexis (not to be confused with the prominent information provider LexisNexis) is as flowery as it is vacuous:
With the indomitable aim of transforming the fields of Science, Technology and Healthcare, Lexis matches our unshakeable service ethos to the most skilled and enthusiastic professionals. [O]ur goal is to support the scientific communities and networks, as we combine to propel science and health into the future.
Lexis believe in integrating innovation with the latest research ....
MISSION: To seek out the most Dynamic, Enlightening and Modernised research, far and wide. To Educate, Innovate, Motivate. To establish a worldwide and everlasting bond between academicians, activists, experts and organisations.
The domains and are registered to Domains By Proxy rather than to the person or people who paid for them. The websites offer the primary address of Avenue Roger Vandendriessche 18, 1150 Brussels, Belgium. This address also is used by "Longdom conferences coined as ‘father of all conferences’" (, 3/1/19).

A secondary address on the conference website (and in the email of 3/1/19) is Sakinah Kareem, 4211 Rainier St, Irving, TX 75062. A modest single family home is located there. Court and arrest records are reported for one Sakinah Kareem, aged 62, in Irving, Texas. The website for the conferences solicits donations for awards to students and young scientists. According to Buzzfile, the telephone number 631-433-5012 in the email is that of the Nur Jabalu Foundation, located nearby, at 4403 Rainier St, Irving, TX 75062. The foundation's CEO is Malik Kareem. reports that Malik is one of Sakinah's nicknames.

The publishing division is discussed on the Flaky Academic Journals blog.
  • From: Lexis []
    Date: Mar 1, 2019 12:58 AM, 1:05 AM
    Subject: Anticipating your Review
    Greetings from LEXIS!
    Lexis is a brand that specializes in organizing International conferences and establishes outstanding, direct communication between the researchers whether they are working in the same field or in interdisciplinary research activities. We identify and build bridge to reduce the gap in knowledge sharing and to pursue collective goals of the scientific community specifically focusing in the field of Sciences, Engineering, and technology. We provide motivating sessions and networking session through which you can figure out how to be considerably be more audacious and strike your goal.
    Looking forward to book your calendar for our upcoming events.
    Best Regards
    Sakinah Kareem,
    Communication Assistance,
    Lexis 4211 Rainier Street, Irving, Texas 75062, USA Tel: +1-631-433-5012

1 comment:

  1. "Longdom conferences coined as ‘father of all conferences’"

    "Longdom" are parasite publishers as well as conference grifters. They seem to be another concealed branch of OMICS, with journals which used to bear the OMICS imprint suddenly rebranded as Longdom in an attempt to lose the stench of fraudulence associated with publishing through OMICS.

    Here, for instance, a link to an OMICS journal page now redirects to the Longdom counterpart.

    Longdom and Lexis use the same Belgian phone-number, but since neither of them are actually located in Brussells and are just routing everything through a virtual office. this doesn't prove that they're associated.
