The address seems to be that of a virtual office in South Carolina. (See The key employees named on the company's Linked In page have profiles that place them or their employer in Hyderabad, India. They are Sindoora Jalagam (Offshore Manager), Akhil Srikanth (Social Media Executive), Rezina Alves (Program Manager), K SNEHA (Offshore Project Manager), and Rajesh Varma k (Offshore Operations head). Mr. Srikath came to Coalesce from "OMICS International Conference," where he was "Business Development Executive." (Ms. Alves' profile is different. She thinks that Coalesce is in Brooklyn, where she resides.)*
The journals are mostly nonexistent, but there are a slew of advertised conferences, congresses, and summits. (Please don't ask me what the differences between these types of gatherings are.) Although the subject areas are disparate, the gatherings seem to come in clumps of three held in the same hotel during the same days.
From:; on behalf of; NSMW 2019 []
Date: 27 Aug 2019 11:04 AM Subject: Nanoscience and Materials World Congress|Barcelona|Europe
Dear Colleague,
Good Wishes. As Conference Executive Director, it is my great pleasure to invite you as a Plenary Speaker to the International conference on Nanoscience and Materials World (NSMW 2019) held in Barcelona, Spain on 18-19 November 2019. [← Trepidation would be more appropriate than pleasure when inviting someone with absolutely no expertise in the field to be a plenary speaker.]
NSMW 2019 provides the premier interdisciplinary forum for scientists, engineers, and practitioners [of what?] to present their latest research results, ideas, developments and applications in all areas of Nanotechnology and Materials Stream. The conference will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world. The conference will focus on evidence-based benefits proven in clinical trials and scientific experiments.
Our Competence in the field is our competitive advantage. [← "Competence," as in proposing "clinical trials" for nanoscience research?] It is characterised by our professionalism, expertise, and our excellent relationship with our former representatives. [← "former representatives" of what?] We produce cutting edge conferences, expos and summits, bringing together Senior Research scientists, industry leaders and solution providers at a top notch level, creating the opportunity to partner, network and knowledge share.
It would be our honour and pleasure if you accept this invitation and join us. We look forward to seeing you in Barcelona (Spain) in November.
Best Regards
Dr.Richard Limner
Executive Director | Coalesce Research Group
33 Market point Dr, Greenville,SC 29607,USA Email:
Disclaimer: If you do not wish to receive any email in future from Nano and materials events then revert us back. We concern for your privacy. -
From: NSMW 2019 []
Date: 24 Sept 2019 11:26 AM
Subject: Follow up: INSMW Summit 2019 - Barcelona, Spain
Dear Colleague,
Good wishes. Hope you are doing great. I contacted you earlier on your kind participation towards our esteemed congress, but we didn’t get any response. As Conference Executive Director, it is my honour to invite you again as a Plenary Speaker to the International conference on Nanoscience and Materials World (NSMW 2019) held in Barcelona, Spain on 18-19 November 2019.
I will personally support your accommodation with meals during conference days on nominal registration; I will schedule your talk on your convenient time, your 30min of plenary session will be remarkable [← That's for sure -- I know nothing about the field] and be rewarding both for you and to our research community as a whole. ... It would be our honour if you accept this invitation and join us. We look forward to seeing you in Barcelona (Spain) in November.
Best Regards
Dr Richard Limner
Executive Director | Conference Secretariat
Coalesce Research Group 33 Market point Dr, Greenville, SC 29607, USA
* Thanks to "Smut Clyde" for pointing out the employees on Linked In.