
Saturday, September 26, 2020

International Conference of Information and Communication Technology (ICICT) "focuses to propagate the momentous significance"

The International Conference of Information and Communication Technology (ICICT) plainly is a Chinese venture, with the organizers said to be the Hunan University of Finance and Economics and the IRNet International Academic Communication Centre. One website of the latter organization ( gives an address of 洪山区雄楚大道, which refers to the Hongshan district of Wuhan. The "Engilish" version of another website for ICICT ( is mostly hanzi and boasts 7,891 Meetings with 238,531 attendees.

The spam I received invited me and 98 other lucky people to join the Technical Program Committee for the ICICT 2020 scheduled for November in Wuhan. I hope the other sought-after members are more qualified than I. I also hope they find their way to the right conference. A Google search for ICICT 2020 returns a notice that "The International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies (ICICT), is an annual conference hold [sic] each year in United States" (see If that is not confusing enough, another ICICT 2020 was the 5th Scopus-Indexed IEEE International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies. It appears to have been a more substantial academic conference, but the Wuhan event "focuses to propagate the momentous significance of Science and Engineering" (

  • From: fjmkOS []
    Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 8:05 AM
    Subject: International Conference TPC Invitation
    The 10th Annual International Conference of Information and Communication Technology [ICICT2020] You are invited as our TPC (Technical Program Committee) member:
    Wuhan, China
    November 13-15, 2020
    Here are some obligation and responsibilities for TPC member:
    1. You name will appear in committee list of paper collection and conference website.
    2. If you want to submit papers later, you can enjoy a discount registration fee.
    3. According to your study fields, you need to review 3 to 6 paper of relevant fields.
    4. If you need, you will be provided with TPC identity files.
    Finally, as long as you are interested in our proposal, you are welcome to send your official CV or paper to email address of committee:
    [No signature line]

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