
Sunday, January 29, 2017

Global Science and Technology Forum

The "Call for Papers: 5th Annual International Conference on Law, Regulations and Public Policy (LRPP 2016)" cannot be beat for breadth of coverage in law:
The laws of the land lay the foundations of peace and order, and to ensure people progress in all aspects of their lives – whether in business, education, travel, health or recreation. The role of public officials is to create, scrutinize, implement and uphold the laws in order to protect the rights of every individual, corporate entity or institution.
The organization behind this conference is the Global Science and Technology Forum, a group from Singapore that has been accused of "conference hijacking." GSTF is "a proud partner of 38 Universities around the globe." (The links of the batch that I clicked on lead only to the home pages of the named institutions.) It publishes a slew of "science journals" on such subjects as general philosophy, music, media and communications, education, and business. Not surprisingly, it is on Beall's List as "an exploitative publisher that ... everyone should avoid."

The chairman of the conference is "Prof. the Hon. Dr. Stephen Martin, Chairman, Board of Governors, Global Science & Technology Forum (GSTF). Chief Executive, Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA), Chairman, Bank of China (Australia), Former Speaker Parliament of Australia, Former Deputy Vice Chancellor (Strategy and Planning) Curtin University of Technology, and Former Pro Vice Chancellor International, Victoria University." Keynote speakers are Professors Julien Chaisse and Chao Xi of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

As the emails below indicate, GSTF continues to troll for presenters to pay for annual reruns of the conference.
2019 conference email
  • From: []
    Date: Feb. 1, 2019
    Subject: CFP: 8th Annual International Conference on Law, Regulations and Public Policy (LRPP 2019)
    LRPP 2018 provided a forum and opportunity for delegates from more than 60 individual universities from about 30 countries to share their research, practice and educational initiatives with an international audience. We hope you can be part of LRPP 2019.
    -Keynote Addresses:
    Dr Charles Zhen Qu, Associate Professor School of Law City, University of Hong Kong
    Prof. Rathna N. Koman,Associate Professor of Law(Practice) ... Nottingham University, ... Regulating and policing different approaches to world drug problems in accordance with sustainable development goals!
    -LRPP 2019Conference Proceedings: All accepted and presented papers at the conferencewill be published in the conference proceedings Print ISSN: 2251-3809, E-Periodical ISSN: 2251-3817
    -Best Paper Awards and Best Student Paper Awards will be conferred at the conference (in order to qualify for the award, the paper must be presented at the conference). ...
    General Chair: Prof. the Hon. Dr. Stephen Martin, Chairman, Board of Governors, Global Science & Technology Forum (GSTF); Chairman, Bank of China (Australia); Former Speaker Parliament of Australia; Former Deputy Vice Chancellor (Strategy and Planning), Curtin University of Technology; Former Pro Vice Chancellor International, Victoria University
    Editor-In-Chief: Prof. Paul Babie, Professor of Law, Adelaide Law School (ALS), The University of Adelaide, Australia
    Program Chair: Dr. Suresh V Nadagoudar, P.G. Department of Law, Bangalore University, India
    Co-Program Chair: Prof. K.C. Sunny, Dean, Professor and Head, Department of Law, University of Kerala, India
    For a complete list of GSTF Partner Universities, clickhere. [← The US "partners" are East Carolina University, New York Institute of Technology, Texas Woman's University, University of North Dakota, University of Tulsa, University of Wisconsin, and Washington & Jefferson College]
    If you would like to continue hearing from us, please click "Opt-in" or else click Opt-out!‥ and you will be unsubscribed from the list [← Why opt in? It is not like they will suddenly drop you from their spam list.]
  • From: []
    Date: Oct. 2, 2018 (also 10/23/2018, 12/14/18, and 12/31/18 with a few names in the email changed)
    Subject: CFP : 8th Annual International Conference on Law, Regulations and Public Policy (LRPP 2019)
    CALL FOR PAPERS: 8th Annual International Conference on Law, Regulations and Public Policy (LRPP 2019) ... 24th - 25th June 2019, Singapore
    LRPP 2018 provided a forum and opportunity for delegates from more than 60 individual universities from about 30 countries to share their research, practice and educational initiatives with an international audience. We hope you can be part of LRPP 2019.
    IMPORTANT DATES Extended Full Paper Submission Deadline: 18th January 2019 ... Conference Dates: 24th - 25th June 2019 ...
    - Keynote Addresses: Dr Charles Zhen Qu, Associate Professor School of Law City, University of Hong Kong
    - LRPP 2019 Conference Proceedings: All accepted and presented papers at the conference will be published in the conference proceedings Print ISSN: 2251-3809, E-Periodical ISSN: 2251-3817
    - Best Paper Awards and Best Student Paper Awards will be conferred at the conference (in order to qualify for the award, the paper must be presented at the conference).
    - LRPP 2019 will also constitute a Special Panel Session.
    - Panel Proposals are invited for submission. A minimum of three papers centering on a specific topic will be accepted for submission under Panel Category.
    General Chair Prof. the Hon. Dr. Stephen Martin ... Program Chair Dr. Suresh V Nadagoudar ... Bangalore University ... Co-Program Chair Prof. K.C. Sunny ... University of Kerala ... Editor-In-Chief Prof. Tony Carty ... The University of Hong Kong ...
    For a complete list of GSTF Partner Universities, click here. ...
2018 conference email
  • 4/3/17: Hope this email finds you well. ... The full paper submission deadline (extended) is on 23rd April 2017. ...
  • From: LRPP Conference Secretariat []
    Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2017 8:14 PM
    Subject: CFP: 7th Law, Regulations and Public Policy Conference (LRPP 2018)
    CALL FOR PAPERS: 7th Annual International Conference on Law, Regulations and Public Policy (LRPP 2018), 11th - 12th June 2018, Singapore ...
    CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS Keynote Addresses:
    ⊡ Prof. Paula Baron, Assoc. Pro-Vice Chancellor, College of Arts, Social Sciences and Commerce, La Trobe University, Australia
    ⊡ Prof. Gabriel Moens, Professor of Law, Curtin Law School, Australia - How to Mismanage Organisations: A Lawyers Perspective ...
    Journal of Law and Social Sciences: All authors who present their papers at the conference will be invited to submit an extended version of their research paper for the GSTF Journal of Law and Social Sciences (JLSS) ... . All submitted papers will go through blind review process for acceptance and will be published without additional cost (digital). ...
    ⊡ General Chair, Prof. the Hon. Dr. Stephen Martin Chairman, Board of Governors, Global Science & Technology Forum (GSTF)Chairman, Bank of China (Australia) Former Speaker Parliament of Australia Former Deputy Vice Chancellor (Strategy and Planning) Curtin University of Technology Former Pro Vice Chancellor International, Victoria University
    ⊡ Program Chair, Prof. Suresh V Nadagoudar P.G. Department of Law Bangalore University India
    ⊡ Co-Program Chair, Prof. K.C. Sunny Dean, Professor and Head Department of Law University of Kerala India
    Program Committee
    ⊡ Prof. Bradley Myers Associate Dean for Academic Affairs University of North Dakota USA
    ⊡ Prof. Preston C. Green III John and Carla Klein Professor of Urban Education Professor of Education and Law, University of Connecticut USA
    ⊡ Assoc. Prof. Vijaya Nagarajan Acting Dean and Associate Professor, Professor of Education and Law Australia
  • Sent: 9/20/17 [twice]
    From: LRPP Conference Secretariat <>
    Subject: Special Invitation: 7th Law, Regulations and Public Policy Conference (LRPP 2018)
    Hope this email finds you well. Given your interests and contributions to research and academia, we invite you/your research students to submit a paper to 7th Annual International Conference on Law, Regulations and Public Policy (LRPP 2018) which will be held on 11th - 12th June 2018 in Singapore. ... The full paper submission deadline is on 8th January 2018. Hope that provides adequate time for you to complete the paper submission. If you need additional time, please email us ... . We hope you can be part of LRPP 2018.
    Briefly about LRPP 2018:
    ⊡ Prof. Gabriel Moens, Professor of Law, Curtin Law School, Australia - How to Mismanage Organisations: A Lawyer!|s Perspective
    ⊡ Prof. Paula Baron, Assoc. Pro-Vice Chancellor, College of Arts, Social Sciences and Commerce, La Trobe University, Australia
    LRPP 2018 Conference Proceedings: ... will be published and submitted to indexing partner organizations. Journal of Law and Social Sciences: All authors who present their papers at the conference will be invited to submit an extended version of their research paper for the GSTF Journal of Law and Social Sciences (JLSS) ... . All submitted papers will go through blind review process for acceptance and will be published without additional cost (digital).
    Would appreciate if you could disseminate this information to your colleagues/students who might be interested to participate in the conference. View testimonials from previous LRPP conferences:
    ⊡ Prof. Paul Babie, Personal Chair of Law, Adelaide Law School, The University of Adelaide, Australia
    ⊡ Asst. Prof. Noah Kupferberg, Brooklyn Law School, USA[youtube]
    Kind regards, Janice Loh, Programme Manager,, Global Science and Technology Forum (GSTF), 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #13-12, Singapore- 079903, Phone: +65 6327 0166| Fax: +65 6327 0162
    The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee(s). Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful.
  • Sent 10/12/17 (twice), 12/19/17 (twice), 4/13/18:
    Hope this email finds you well. Given your interests and contributions to research and academia, we invite you/your research students to submit a paper to 7th Annual International Conference on Law, Regulations and Public Policy (LRPP 2018) which will be held on 25th - 26th June 2018 in Singapore. ... The full paper submission deadline is on 8th January 2018. ... If you need additional time, please email us ... . We hope you can be part of LRPP 2018. ... Keynote Speakers:
    Prof. Gabriel Moens, Professor of Law, Curtin Law School, Australia - How to Mismanage Organisations: A Lawyer!|s Perspective
    Prof. Paula Baron, Assoc. Pro-Vice Chancellor, College of Arts, Social Sciences and Commerce, La Trobe University, Australia -Law, Legal Education and the Rise of Robolawyers
    LRPP 2018 Conference Proceedings: Print ISSN: 2251-3809, E-Periodical ISSN: 2251-3817 will be published and submitted to indexing partner organizations.
    Journal of Law and Social Sciences:  All authors who present their papers at the conference will be invited to submit an extended version of their research paper for the GSTF Journal of Law and Social Sciences (JLSS) - Print ISSN: 2251-2853, E-periodical: 2251-2861. All submitted papers will go through blind review process for acceptance and will be published without additional cost (digital). ... View testimonials from previous LRPP conferences:
    Prof. Paul Babie, Personal Chair of Law, Adelaide Law School, The University of Adelaide, Australia
    Asst. Prof. Noah Kupferberg, Brooklyn Law School, USA ...
    Kind regards, Janice Loh, Programme Manager,, Global Science and Technology Forum (GSTF), 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #13-12, Singapore- 079903, Phone: +65 6327 0166| Fax: +65 6327 0162
    The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee(s). Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful.
  • Sent: 3/1/18
    Same as the previous one, but from Ida Hasnan, Programme Manager
  • Sent: Thu 3/29/2018 8:29 AM
    From: LRPP Conference Secretariat (
    Subject: Invitation: 7th Law, Regulations and Public Policy Conference (LRPP 2018)
    Dear Kaye, David,
    Hope this email finds you well. Given your interests and contributions to research and academia, we invite you/your research students to submit a paper to 7th Annual International Conference on Law, Regulations and Public Policy (LRPP 2018) which will be held on 25th - 26th June 2018 in Singapore. ... The full paper submission deadline (extended) is on 20th April 2018. Hope that provides adequate time for you to complete the paper submission. If you need additional time, please email us at as we may extend additional time on a case by case basis.  We hope you can be part of LRPP 2018. Briefly about LRPP 2018: - Keynote Speakers:
    Prof. Gabriel Moens, Professor of Law, Curtin Law School, Australia - How to Mismanage Organisations: A Lawyer!|s Perspective
    Prof. Paula Baron, Assoc. Pro-Vice Chancellor, College of Arts, Social Sciences and Commerce, La Trobe University, Australia -Law, Legal Education and the Rise of Robolawyers
    - LRPP 2018 Conference Proceedings: Print ISSN: 2251-3809, E-Periodical ISSN: 2251-3817 will be published and submitted to indexing partner organizations. - Journal of Law and Social Sciences:  All authors who present their papers at the conference will be invited to submit an extended version of their research paper for the GSTF Journal of Law and Social Sciences (JLSS) - Print ISSN: 2251-2853, E-periodical: 2251-2861. All submitted papers will go through blind review process for acceptance and will be published without additional cost (digital). ...
    Would appreciate if you could disseminate this information to your colleagues/students who might be interested to participate in the conference. ... Should you require any assistance or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us at
    Kind regards,
    Ida Hasnan, Programme Manager,, Global Science and Technology Forum (GSTF)
    10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #13-12, Singapore- 079903, Phone: +65 6327 0166| Fax: +65 6327 0162
    The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged.  It is intended solely for the addressee(s). Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful.
2017 conference email
  • The LRPP17 conference email advertisement (same description) features as keynote speakers
    ⊗ Dr. Paul Babie, Personal Chair of Law in the Adelaide Law School, The University of Adelaide, Australia, and
    ⊗ Dr. Gabriel Moens, Professor of Law, Curtin Law School, Australia.
    An updated (9/21/16) email extends the predominantly Australian theme with the following program committee members:
    ⊗ Dr. Tom Mortimer, Head, Anglia Law School, Anglia Ruskin University, UK;
    ⊗ Prof. Paula Baron, Head of School, Chair of the Common Law, La Trobe University, Australia;
    ⊗ Prof. Willem de Lint, Professor, School of Law, Flinders University, Australia;
    ⊗ Prof. Jianfu Chen, Professor, Faculty of Law and Management, La Trobe University, Australia;
    ⊗ Prof. Christoph Antons, School of Law, Deakin University, Australia;
    ⊗ Prof. Denise Meyerson, Macquarie Law School, Sydney, Australia.
    As of 10/10/16, when I received a third email, the program committee on the web swelled to 44 members, with 29 from India alone. Prof. Bradley Myers, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, University of North Dakota, and Dr. Anqi Shen, a reader at the School of Social Sciences and Law, Teesside University, UK, apparently joined the program committee.
  • Sent: 1/17/17
    From: LRPP Conference Secretariat []
    Subject: Special Invitation: 6th Law, Regulations and Public Policy Conference (LRPP 2017)
    Dear Dr. Kaye, David, Hope this email finds you well. Given your interests and contributions to research and academia, we invite you/your research students to submit a paper to the 6th Annual International Conference on Law, Regulations and Public Policy (LRPP 2017) which will be held on 5th - 6th June 2017 in Singapore. The co-Program Chairs are Dr. Suresh V Nadagoudar, Bangalore University, India and Prof. K.C. Sunny, University of Kerala, India and the Editor-In-Chief is Prof. Tony Carty, The University of Hong Kong. The extended full paper submission deadline is on 10th February 2017. Hope that provides adequate time for you to complete the paper submission. If you need more time, please let us know and we will consider on a case by case basis for an extended deadline. Keynote Addresses:
    ⊡ Prof. Paul Babie, Personal Chair of Law in the Adelaide Law School, The University of Adelaide, Australia- The Climate Future of Property Law
    ⊡ Prof. Gabriel Moens, Professor of Law, Curtin Law School, Australia - Improving Public Health through Behavioural Rules: A Legitimate Legislative Project of a Nany State or a Nudge State?
    ⊡ Asst. Prof. Kevin Kwok-yin Cheng, Faculty of Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Why Do Criminal Trials Crack? An Empirical Investigation of Late Guilty Pleas in Hong Kong
    ⊡ Assoc. Prof. Charles Qu, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong
    Journal of Law and Social Sciences: All authors who present their papers at the conference will be invited to submit an extended version of their research paper for the GSTF Journal of Law and Social Sciences (JLSS) ... . All submitted papers will go through blind review process for acceptance. All accepted papers (after the review process) will be included in the JLSS. ... Regards, Ana Martina Tubilleja, Program Manager, Global Science and Technology Forum (GSTF), 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #13-12, Singapore- 079903 Phone: +65 6236 1544| Fax: +65 6327 0162
    The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee(s). Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful.

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