
Monday, January 30, 2017

Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors (IRED)

The website explains (10/12/16) that "IRED is formed to carry on the business of promoting, forming, developing and organizing associations and networks of Chemical, Petroleum, Physics, Biology, Civil, Mechanical, Medical, Dental, Computer, Electronics, Electrical, Management, Biomedical, Bio informatics, Bio Technology, Aeronautical, Textile, Environmental and all related Doctors, Engineers and Professionals who are in the field of innovation ... ." Its "Four Associate Networks to promote the Research and Development activities in the respective Engineering and Technology field" are the "Universal Association of Computer and Electronics Engineers (UACEE), Universal Association of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineers (UAMAE), Universal Association of Civil, Structural And Environmental Engineers (UACSE), Universal Association of Arts And Management Professionals (UAAMP)." Moreover, "IRED welcomes all the Doctors, Scientist, Engineers Professionals, Researchers, Scholars and Medical and Health, Technical Engineering Colleges and Universities to join us to exchange information and ideas; in according with our objective to facilitate this, we call upon to network with us." As of 6/29/17, "[t]he IRED organization has been inspiring many talents to come forward ... ."

To give the impression that it is a US firm, IRED uses the address of "42 Broadway, Suite 12-217, New York,  NY 10004, USA" for its headquarters. This appears to be "virtual office space" provided by TKO Suites, which supplies a "personal business address [to] make your home business more authentic." Its true location and owners are hidden. The domain names ( and are registered by Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc. The emails come from "Anna Karlova, 12 Burkswerk, New York, New York, 10004, United States," No such address exists (in Google Maps). Whoever runs this virtual marketing site registered it via GoDaddy's Domains By Proxy.

The only "theme" of these conferences is "to bring together" is to bring together as many experts from as many technical fields as the unknown organizers can attract "to a common forum."
This covers them all
  • Date: Saturday, August 5, 2017, 9:20:04 AM EDT
    From: anna (alert@conferencealertonline)
    Subject: Call For Paper: Conferences in Switzerland / thailand
    Every year, IRED organizes several Engineering conferences, Management conferences and Social Conferences at various popular universities, world class cities like Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Rome, Zurich, Birmingham, Pattaya, Phuket, Kota Kinabalu, Milan, Venice, Turkey and many other cities all around the world. The conference research papers of these conferences are being published in the online proceedings and International journals. International Academic Conferences, Seminars & Workshops organized by Institute of Research engineers and Doctors motivate and explore many new enthusiastic talents globally. ... Visit Conference Portal Now!
Fourth Joint International Conference (2016)
  • 10/11/16: Dear Friends and Colleagues, We take great pleasure to invite you to submit research article in the Fourth Joint International Conference organized by Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors at Rome, Italy. The theme for the 2016 Italy conference will be to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts to a common forum. We would be delighted to have you present at this conference to hear what the technology experts and researchers have to share about the technology advancements and their impact on our daily lives. All the registered papers will proudly be published by IRED-CPS ... Registered Papers (IRED Extended paper guidelines applicable) will be published in the various issues of International journals. ... Thanks Much, Stefania, NEWS Division, IRED
Fifth Joint International Conference (2017)
  • 2/18/17, 2/23/17, 3/28/17, 4/17/17, 4/20/17, 4/22/17, 8/18/17, 8/26/17, 9/5/17, 9/14/17, 10/27/17
    Dear Friends and Colleagues,
    We take great pleasure to invite you to submit research article in the Fifth Joint International Conference organized by Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors at Rome, Italy during 09 - 10 December 2017. The theme for the 2017 Italy conference is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts to a common forum. ... Joint International Conference Consists of following tracks: Track 1: ... ACEC ... Track 2: ... ACSEE ... Track 3: ... AMRE ... Track 4: ... SMHB. ... All the registered papers will proudly be published by IRED-CPS and stored in the SEEK digital Library. ... Proc. will also be published in International Journals. ... Registered Papers (IRED Extended paper guidelines applicable) will be published in the various issues of International journals. ...
    Thanks Much
    NEWS Division, IRED (
  • Sent: 6/12/17 (and 6/29/17)
    From: Stefania [
    Subject: Switzerland Conference Invitation: 2017
    Dear Friends and Colleagues,
    We would like to invite you to submit research article in the Fifth Joint International Conference organized by Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors at Zurich, Switzerland. The theme for the 2017 Swiss conference is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts to a common forum. We would be delighted to have you present at this conference to hear what the technology experts and researchers have to share about the technology advancements and their impact on our daily lives. ... Registered Papers (IRED Extended paper guidelines applicable) will be published in the various issues of International journals. ... Thanks much,
    NEWS Division, IRED Headquarters, 42 Broadway, Suite 12-217, New York, NY 10004, USA, T: +1-(212) 901-3781, F: +1-(212) 901-3786
Sixth Joint International Conference (advertised for 2016, 2017, and 2018 in four cities)
  • 10/16/16: Dear Friends and Colleagues, We take great pleasure to invite you to submit research article in the Sixth Joint International Conference organized by Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The theme for the 2016 Malaysia conference is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts to a common forum. ... Thanks Much, Stefania, NEWS Division, IRED
  • 11/30/16, 12/3/16, 12/11/16, 12/12/16, 12/20/16, 2/7/17: Dear Friends and Colleagues, We take great pleasure to invite you to submit research article in the Sixth Joint International Conference organized by Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors at Bangkok, Thailand. The theme for the 2017 Thailand conference is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts to a common forum. ... Thanks Much, Stefania, NEWS Division, IRED
  • 9/8/17 (and 9/11/17)
    From: Anna []
    Dear Friends and Colleagues,
    We take great pleasure to invite you to submit research article in the 6th Joint International Conference organized by Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors at Rome, Italy during 09 - 10 December 2017. The theme for the 2017 Italy conference is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts to a common forum. We would be delighted to have you present at this conference to hear what the technology experts and researchers have to share about the technology advancements and their impact on our daily lives. ...
    We would also like to share some conference photographs of previous held International conference that has been worldwide. ...
    All the registered papers will proudly be published by IRED-CPS and stored in the SEEK digital Library. Each Paper will be assigned DOI (Digital Object Identifier) from CROSSREF. The Proc. will be submitted to ISI Thomson for Review and Indexing. Proc. will also be published in International Journals.
    We Request you to forward this email to your colleagues/Researchers/students in order to promote the conference. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and share cutting-edge development in the field. ... Registered Papers (IRED Extended paper guidelines applicable) will be published in the various issues of International journals. ...
    Thanks Much,
    NEWS Division, IRED
  • Date: Jan 6, 2018, & Jan. 13, 22, 31; Feb. 8, Feb 15, Feb. 24, Feb 27
    [A variant entitled Final Round Paper Submission CFP: International Conference @ Zurich, Switzerland, was sent on March 3, 7 and 12.]
    From: stefania (
    Re: Upcoming SWISS International Conference Invitation @ Zurich, Switzerland
    Dear Friends and Colleagues,
    We would like to invite you to submit research article in the Sixth Joint International Conference organised by Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors at Zurich, Switzerland. The theme for the 2018 Swiss conference is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts to a common forum. We would be delighted to have you present at this conference to hear what the technology experts and researchers have to share about the technology advancements and their impact on our daily lives
    Invited Speakers @ Conference:
    1. Dr. Mladen Rajko, University of Zadar, CROATIA
    2. Prof. Dr. Ing. Stefan Kartunov, Technische Universitat-Gabrovo, BULGARIA
    3. Dr. Dariusz Jakobczak, Koszalin University of Technology, POLAND
    ... Joint International Conference Consists of Track 1: International Conference on Advances in Bio-Informatics, Bio-Technology and Environmental Engineering ... Track 2: International Conference On Advances in Computing, Communication and Information Technology ... Track 3: International Conference On Advances in Civil, Structural and Mechanical Engineering ... Track 4: International Conference On Advances in Social Science, Economics and Management Study ...
    All the registered papers will proudly be published ...
    We would also like to share some conference photographs of previous held International conference that has been worldwide. ... We Request you to forward this email to your colleagues/Researchers/students in order to promote the conference.
    The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and share cutting-edge development in the field. ... Registered Papers ... will be published in the various issues of International journals. ...
    Thanks Much
    StefaniaNEWS Division IRED
    Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, 42 Broadway, Suite 12-217, New York, NY 10004, United State of America (USA), Tel: +1-(212) 901-3781 Fax: +1-(212) 901-3786
    Anna Karlova, 12 Burkswerk, New York, New York, 10004, United States,
Seventh Joint International Conference (2017)
  • 4/13/17: Dear Friends and Colleagues, We take great pleasure to invite you to submit research article in the Seventh Joint International Conference organized by Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The theme for the 2017 Malaysia conference is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts to a common forum. We would be delighted to have you present at this conference to hear what the technology experts and researchers have to share about the technology advancements and their impact on our daily lives. ... Track 1: ... MAPT ... Track 2: ... ASEE ... Track 3: ... CEET ... Track 4: ... CSE ... Track 5: ... EMS ... All the registered papers will proudly be published by IRED-CPS and stored in the SEEK digital Library. ... Proc. will also be published in International Journals. ...
    Thanks Much,
    NEWS Division, IRED (
Eighth Joint International Conference (2018)
  • From Anna Karlova []:
    Sent: Dec. 24, 2017
    Dear Friends and Colleagues,
    We take great pleasure to invite you to submit research article in the 8th Joint International Conference organized by Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The theme for the 2018 Malaysia conference is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts to a common forum. We would be delighted to have you present at this conference to hear what the technology experts and researchers have to share about the technology advancements and their impact on our daily lives. ... Track 1: CEET ... MAPT ... Track 3: ASEE ... Track 4: ... CSE ... Track 5: ... EMS. ... Conference Venue: Hotel G Tower, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ... All the registered papers will proudly be published by IRED-CPS and stored in the SEEK digital Library ( ... Proc. will also be published in International Journals. We Request you to forward this email ... Registered Papers (IRED Extended paper guidelines applicable) will be published in the various issues of International journals. ...
    Thanks Much,
    NEWS Division, IRED HEADQUARTERS, 42 Broadway Suite 12-217, New York, NY 10004, +1-212-901-3781 
  • From: stefania []
    Sent: March 12, 2018 (and again March 15, 17, 20, 22, 27; April 10, 12, 18, 24, 27; May 2, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22)
    Subject: Upcoming International Conference @ Paris, France (also sent 4/21/18 with the subject line "Two Days Left: Paper Submission in International Conference @ Paris, France")
    Dear Friends and Colleagues,
    We would like to invite you to submit research article in the 8th Joint International Conference organised by Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors at Paris, France. The theme for the 2018 French conference is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts to a common forum. We would be delighted to have you present at this conference to hear what the technology experts and researchers have to share about the technology advancements and their impact on our daily lives. ... Track 1: ... ACCN ... Track 2: ... ACSM ... Track 3: ASET ... Track 4: ... ESSHBS ... Conference Date: 23 - 24 June 2018. ... All the registered papers will proudly be published by IRED-CPS and stored in the SEEK digital Library ( Each Paper will be assigned DOI (Digital Object Identifier) from CROSSREF. The Proc. will be submitted to ISI Thomson for Review and Indexing. Proc. will also be published in International Journals.
    We would also like to share some conference photographs of previous held International conference that has been worldwide. ... We Request you to forward this email to your colleagues/Researchers/students in order to promote the conference.
    The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and share cutting-edge development in the field. ...
    Registered Papers (IRED Extended paper guidelines applicable) will be published in the various issues of International journals.. Prospective authors are invited to submit full (original) research papers; which are NOT submitted or published or under consideration anywhere in other conferences or journals; in electronic format via email.
    Thanks Much,
    NEWS Division, IRED, Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, 42 Broadway, Suite 12-217, New York, NY 10004, United State of America (USA), Tel: +1-(212) 901-3781 Fax: +1-(212) 901-3786, Email:
    Anna Karlova, 12 Burkswerk, New York, New York, 10004, United States

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